Monday, March 30, 2009

Playhouse Disney

March 29th: Andie and I went to see a Playhouse Disney concert at the Chevy Center. We went with three girls I work with and some of their kids...6 kids total. Of course Andie had a blast!! The Little Einteins, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Tigger & Pooh and Handy Manny were all there. It was very interactive getting the kids to sing and cute. Because my camera is so big I didn't take it with me so don't mind the quality of these few cameraphone pics I took.

New Website

Due to the complexity of my current website I have decided to go back to an old favorite blog and see if I can keep up with this better. It's kinda difficult to have everything so separate on the other website and to decide where I should post each update. Let me know what you think!