Monday, May 16, 2011

Lainey's Newborn Pics

So...I'm pretty sure I've never seen a cuter baby or picture for that matter. Ok so maybe I'm a little biased but I'm sure you will agree she's precious :-) Shawna took newborn pics of Lainey when she was 10 days old and as you will see, she has done it again!! I'm pretty sure people are gonna start having babies just so Shawna can photograph them! :-)
Click on the link posted below and you can see the complete gallery of photos!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mother's Day!!

What a Wonderful Mother's Day I had!! I feel so blessed to have the greatest family in the world. My husband is my best friend and he has given me my three most precious gifts.
Andrea Lynn 3-10-2006, Abigail Leigh 6-19-2008 and Alaina Grace 4-22-2011:
Mommy loves you girls SO MUCH!!!
Now about my Wonderful day.... Grammy Peggy watched Andie & Abbie for us so we could do a little Mother's day shopping. Which of course was a blast for them. They did lots of playing, some cooking, baking and even went to the park! Dan & I went to the mall to pick out my new BRACELET!! I have wanted a bead/charm bracelet for a while now and I absolutely LOVE it!! It's my Mommy Bracelet to represent my beautiful girls!The light blue bead is to represent March/Andrea, The light pink is June/Abbie and the clear/diamond looking bead is for April/Lainey. I also got an "A" bead and of course we all know that's to represent ALL my girls. In the coming years I plan to add beads that represent activities or milestones in my life or the girl's lives.
Dan & I have also been discussing the purchase of a new desktop computer. We only had a laptop and since Andie is starting school in the fall we felt that it was time for a "family computer." We went to Best Buy and this is what we left with! It's gorgeous! Oh...and look at those babies :-) It's my 1st MAC computer so for the next couple weeks I'll be learning lots.
After our shopping trip we went back to Grammie's house for dinner. It was Delicious! Thanks Grammie for a Wonderful Mother's Day dinner!! Then to the Davis's for some outside fun. And...let me just say I think I got my "cornhole groove" back..hahaha!
What a Terrific Mother's Day I Had!!! Thanks Dan!! :-)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Alaina's Birth Story

Alaina Grace Janosik
Born: April 22nd at 9:42 pm
8# 1oz 19" long
Here is her birth story: The Short Version
On Tuesday the 19th I had my 39wk dr.'s appt. The Tech did an ultrasound to check size and at that time Alaina was measuring 8.6# with a week to go. Because of her size my Dr. (with some encouragement from me) decided to induce on Friday. Dan & I got to the hospital at 8:00 friday morning. At 9:00 they started my IV and Pitocin. At 10:00 Dr. broke my water. After a LONG day of contractions, waiting and just a few pushes....Alaina Grace was welcomed into this world by her father and I. What a special moment it was.

At the hospital: Right before induction
My chubba bubba
love this one...
"My 3 little Sweethearts"
Our Wonderful Family!! :-)

Thanks so much to everyone that supported us through this pregnancy and those that continue to help out and support us now that Alaina is here. Thanks to everyone that was able to make it to the hospital to see Alaina in her 1st days in this world, especially those of you that traveled from out of town. It was wonderful to spend this special time with all of you! I have many more pics up on facebook (too many to post here).