Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Baby Fair

Well, October was kind of a yucky month at our house. We started the month off with both of the girls having strep and then Abbie got an awful virus that gave her a terrible rash that made her look like a speckled frog. Dan and I haven't been extremely sick but we haven't been feeling completely healthy either. Because we have been cooped up for awhile and everyone seems to be healthy at the moment I decided to take the girls to the Salem Hospital Baby Fair this past weekend. The girls got to dress up for a halloween costume contest and run around and play games for a few hours. They had a blast! Abbie got to compete in her 1st (and prob. only) Diaper Derby. There were 6 kids in her heat ages 16-18mo. The goal was just to run from start to finish. I had the "perfect strategy." Most people had another parent or grandparent at the finish line but I had ANDREA! And b/c Abbie loves her sis so much they yelled GO and Abbie ran so fast towards Andie that she knocked her over and both girls went rolling. It sure got the crowd laughing! I just wish I would've thought to bring the video camera. Andrea also had a great time going around to all the tables picking up pamphlets of all types of children information...like I need more junk in my house..haha!

My Ladybug

My little Bumblebee

Loving on a stuffed monkey

Replay of the Diaper Race:-)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Andrea's Preschool

In September Andrea started Preschool! Of course, being my daughter...she LOVES school. haha! Every morning she wakes up and wants to know if she gets to go to school that day. In the past month she has been learning the days of the week, the months, many new songs and name recognition. There are 10 3year olds in her class and 2 teachers so it seems like she gets lots of attention. Last week they went on a nature walk and she is already doing her 1st fundraiser (the church is trying to buy a new playground.) I am so glad that we decided to send her this year...It has really been good for her :) Here are a few pics of her 1st day!

Showing off "The Red Folder"
At School :)
Abbie's sad:( reaction to Andie's 1st Day

Picking her up:)