Thursday, December 15, 2011

Dining Room to Play Room

Well it's December and we've been in our house for 4 months already. It's hard to believe it's been 4 mo already although this house instantly felt like home and I kinda feel like we've Always lived here. I guess that's how a home is supposed to feel though, right?!
Yes our home was move-in-ready and yes I told Dan that it was perfect just the way it was and that I could live here for at least a year without doing any cosmetic changes.... BUT... Who was I kidding?! I have been painting..Alot and my poor husband constantly has a LONG list of to do's :-) The house was perfect but I just want it Perfect for US!! What's wrong with that?! For those of you that are Far..Away and not able to see the house yet I wanted to start sharing some pics of what we have done so far.

This is the Before pic of the Dining Room
I took this the day of our home inspection
Because we have an eat-in-kitchen I felt this space would be better utilized in another way. Uh...yeah.... A Play Room!! Believe me, this room is NOT just for the girls it is also for me. It sure makes my life less stressful to have all of the girls "toys" confined to one room and for there also to be a space for them to be kids and have fun.
It's kinda hard to tell in this pic but the walls were not a pretty deep red. They were a sort of fuschia. Not my taste. Also the glass chandelier and sconces had to go. Don't worry...I found a new home for that sweet chandelier... stay tuned for that!

Here are a few After Pics although I still need to add a few things.
I need to get something for under the tv and also curtains.
Any suggestions?!
The Chalkboard Wall
See that Empty Cove under the window?
Santa has Great Plans for that space!!
Another view
I know these pics are kinda dark but It is sooo gloomy outside and this was the best I could do right now. See that 8x10 rug on my floor...that was the Steal of the Century!! I picked it up at Lowe's on Clearance. Originally it was $180 marked down to $120. It rang up for $30 so that's the price we paid! LOVE when that happens!!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Alaina Grace 5 months

It's sure hard to believe that my sweet little baby is
5 months old already!

I Love the serious look...haha

-recently "found" her toes :-)
-chewing on a banana-

Alaina Grace at 5 months:
rolls over, although she doesn't get much time on the floor
tries to sit up, only lasts for about 3 seconds
is such a good, quiet baby
still nursing
Loves to eat!
has tried: pumpkin, squash, peaches, plums,
bananas, mangos, green beans (not a fan)
ticklish right below her left eye
laughs Alot!
Loves her sisters
her sisters Love her
still likes the swing
starting to enjoy the jumperoo
"talks" all the time
enjoys the bumbo seat
still toothless
sleeps until 5:30am...eats then back to sleep till 8
loves to be outside
spends most days with Abbie & I while Andie is at school

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My Kindergartener

So this doesn't seem possible but on Sept. 9th Andrea
started Kindergarten!! The 1st day of school was Terrific.
Daddy took the day off of work so that we could All
see Andie off to the bus (and so he could make his
wonderful pancakes.) Andie got ready and got on that
bus like she has been going to school for years. She
was an instant pro! I mostly held it together, only
a few tears...she made it easier for me.

She has now been going to school for a couple
weeks and of course is Loving it!! It is so wonderful
to see my daughter adapt to change so well, in fact
embrace it. I am so proud of the little lady that she is
becoming and look forward to the many years to come.

We had to pack Ab a lunch too :-)

Nellie so excited Andie is home
Totally happy to see her sissy

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Soccer Pics...

Excited for her 1st game?!?!
Coach Daddy...

Schneider fun fest

I just wanted to share a few Really Great pics that Shawna
took at the summer Schneider Fun Fest. Unfortunately
I had a wedding to go to that day and didn't get to
stay long but the girls sure had fun!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Here are a few pics from a recent trip to Geneva-on-the-lake!
One of our Favorite places to go!! The girls have a blast
on the beach and walking down the strip and of course there
is a little fun for the adults too...Delicious Wineries :-)
Silly Faces
her eyes are closed...but still so pretty :-)
My Beautiful Princess

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Well it's official.... We Bought a NEW HOUSE!!!

We signed papers friday July 15th and will be moving in 30 days. This

has been a Long 2 year battle and we are so thankful that it is Finally

happening for us. We are sooo excited! The new house is still in Salem

although it's a bit farther from town than we are now. We are also

still in the same school district and Andrea will go to the same

Elementary School. We are still hoping to sell our house this summer

but if that doesn't happen we have a few trustworthy people interested

in renting it.

This is the link to see the info about the house but the pictures
on the site don't do it justice. I think they were taken by a midget

(you'll see what I mean) We will be having a massive house

warming party either end of august or beginning of september so stay

tuned for that

I have been trying to post this for days and can not figure out why it

won't let me single space...grr!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Lainey 2mo check up

Lainey's 2 mo check up went great. She is definitely growing
weighing in at #11 14oz and is 21 1/2" long. She got two shots and
tolerated those very well.
Alaina has been doing Terrific with breastfeeding. It has been
so wonderful to feel so mobile and not having to lug bottles/
formula everywhere we go. Since I will be going back to work
in August we decided to try out a bottle in June, and it went wonderful.
Lainey immediately caught on and drank the entire bottle quickly
without any problems. Of course,her big sister had to be the one to feed
Lainey her 1st bottle.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Abigail Leigh is 3

On June 19th my little Abigail Leigh turned 3. This little crazy girl sure
keeps me on my toes. She has had more bruises, scrapes and minor
head injuries than any little boy I know.
At 3 she is very active, so smart and incredibly funny.
She Loves Alaina and wants to be just like Andrea.
She is such a special and lovable gorgeous little girl.
One morning I found Abbie sleeping on the floor next to
our bed surrounded by her "friends." It must've taken her
quite some time to drag all these little guys into our room :-)
Sleeping in a drawer..haha
So pretty

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My BIG girl

It is very hard for me to believe that my little girl is going to be starting Kindergarten in less than 3 months. Where does the time go? I remember her arrival into this world like it was yesterday although it's hard to remember my life without her in it. She has now completed 2 years of preschool and is Definitely ready for this new chapter in her life.
Last week Andrea, Alaina & I went to the Kindergarten PowWow. Our day was spent touring the school and experiencing a "mini" day including meeting all the teachers. We went to art, gym, and music class as well as a visit to the library. We even got to eat lunch in the cafeteria. Andrea had so much fun and can't wait for the fall and the FUN to begin!!
She calls herself Lainey's "Little Mom" She is so loving and
can't keep her hands or mouth off of her little sister :-)

June 2011

Just a few cute iphone pics to share. The quality isn't great but with three kids and lots of stuff to haul around it's almost impossible to have my camera with me all the time.
"Bright eyed and Bushy Tailed"
Lovin' the Wrap these days :-)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Lainey's Newborn Pics

So...I'm pretty sure I've never seen a cuter baby or picture for that matter. Ok so maybe I'm a little biased but I'm sure you will agree she's precious :-) Shawna took newborn pics of Lainey when she was 10 days old and as you will see, she has done it again!! I'm pretty sure people are gonna start having babies just so Shawna can photograph them! :-)
Click on the link posted below and you can see the complete gallery of photos!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mother's Day!!

What a Wonderful Mother's Day I had!! I feel so blessed to have the greatest family in the world. My husband is my best friend and he has given me my three most precious gifts.
Andrea Lynn 3-10-2006, Abigail Leigh 6-19-2008 and Alaina Grace 4-22-2011:
Mommy loves you girls SO MUCH!!!
Now about my Wonderful day.... Grammy Peggy watched Andie & Abbie for us so we could do a little Mother's day shopping. Which of course was a blast for them. They did lots of playing, some cooking, baking and even went to the park! Dan & I went to the mall to pick out my new BRACELET!! I have wanted a bead/charm bracelet for a while now and I absolutely LOVE it!! It's my Mommy Bracelet to represent my beautiful girls!The light blue bead is to represent March/Andrea, The light pink is June/Abbie and the clear/diamond looking bead is for April/Lainey. I also got an "A" bead and of course we all know that's to represent ALL my girls. In the coming years I plan to add beads that represent activities or milestones in my life or the girl's lives.
Dan & I have also been discussing the purchase of a new desktop computer. We only had a laptop and since Andie is starting school in the fall we felt that it was time for a "family computer." We went to Best Buy and this is what we left with! It's gorgeous! Oh...and look at those babies :-) It's my 1st MAC computer so for the next couple weeks I'll be learning lots.
After our shopping trip we went back to Grammie's house for dinner. It was Delicious! Thanks Grammie for a Wonderful Mother's Day dinner!! Then to the Davis's for some outside fun. And...let me just say I think I got my "cornhole groove" back..hahaha!
What a Terrific Mother's Day I Had!!! Thanks Dan!! :-)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Alaina's Birth Story

Alaina Grace Janosik
Born: April 22nd at 9:42 pm
8# 1oz 19" long
Here is her birth story: The Short Version
On Tuesday the 19th I had my 39wk dr.'s appt. The Tech did an ultrasound to check size and at that time Alaina was measuring 8.6# with a week to go. Because of her size my Dr. (with some encouragement from me) decided to induce on Friday. Dan & I got to the hospital at 8:00 friday morning. At 9:00 they started my IV and Pitocin. At 10:00 Dr. broke my water. After a LONG day of contractions, waiting and just a few pushes....Alaina Grace was welcomed into this world by her father and I. What a special moment it was.

At the hospital: Right before induction
My chubba bubba
love this one...
"My 3 little Sweethearts"
Our Wonderful Family!! :-)

Thanks so much to everyone that supported us through this pregnancy and those that continue to help out and support us now that Alaina is here. Thanks to everyone that was able to make it to the hospital to see Alaina in her 1st days in this world, especially those of you that traveled from out of town. It was wonderful to spend this special time with all of you! I have many more pics up on facebook (too many to post here).

Friday, April 29, 2011

Andie turns 5!!!!

I know this post is quite late but I didn't want to post about the most recent addition to our lives without updating on another special birthday. On March 10th 2011 Andrea Lynn Janosik turned 5! It's hard to believe that our little Andie is growing up so fast and turning into such a little lady. She is such a special part of our lives.
At 5, she is so smart. I am amazed at her knowledge and her willingness and excitement to learn. She really enjoys going to preschool and is soooo looking forward to Kindergarten this fall. She loves to write letters and numbers and would gladly sit at the table and spell/write words all day. She is independent and tries very hard to do most things on her own. She is very social. She LOVES to be surrounded with people; cousins, friends or family. She enjoys spending alot of time outside and has no qualms about getting down and dirty in the mud. She especially loves searching for worms. One of her favorite places to be is out in the garage with daddy. Whether daddy is working on his bike, 4 wheeler or just hanging outside Andie loves to be by his side. Although she loves to be outside she also definitely has a "girly" side. She loves bags, purses, jewelry, shoes and hair accessories. She enjoys getting dressed up and would wear fancy dresses every day if allowed.

Dan & I look at this little girl and thank God every day for such a wonderful blessing that he has given us.

When I started to plan Andrea's party I asked her what kind of party/theme she wanted. Her only response to me was "a pink party." She wanted everything pink so of course that's what we did. :=) Here are just a few pics from the party.

The Beautiful Birthday Girl :-)

The "pink" candy buffet
The very "pink" cake :-)